Arad, 86 L. Rebreanu St.






Acreditare AHPGS

The VGWU Arad Faculty of Dentistry undertakes the mission of a modern, formative education through the inter- and trans-disciplinarity of the basic and applicative fields of studies, so contributing to the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge, and to the development of horizontal and transversal competences in order to be able to fit in successfully on the national and international labor market.

The curricular structure and the teaching process combine the informative character of the dentistry education with the formative one, allow for the students’ involvement in taking decisions and adopting educational strategies and the systems of curricular evaluation, and develop the capacity of team working.

The mission and the objectives of the study program of Dentistry are consistent with the sector regulations specific for the medical education, such as they are stipulated by the European Directive on the international recognition of the diplomas and qualifications, and are imposed by the connection to the European Higher Education Area and to the European Research Area. We have created new opportunities for students’ mobility via the ECTS credit points system by assuring the compliance with the national and international education according to the standards specific for Dentistry.

After re-assessing the curriculum, the specialization practical activities have been assigned to a larger number of hours, such as: dental prosthetics, oral rehabilitation, oral surgery, odontotherapy, endodontic, etc., so that the graduates are able to fit in successfully in the specialization profile. New subjects have been introduced: Preventive and community dentistry, Emergency Medicine, Pre-hospital emergencies, Therapy of the pain, as optional subjects, in order to allow the graduate to choose for his/ her own educational path.

The teaching/ research infrastructure has been modernized by own resource, by modernizing the technical-material basis, by creating new laboratories, consistent with the European and ARACIS standards

Structura programului de studiu 2016-2022

Plan invatamant specializare Medicina Dentara 2017-2023

Plan învățământ specializare Medicină Dentară 2019-2020

Plan învățământ specializare Medicină Dentară 2020-2021


Professional skills
  • CI – Identifying the state of sickness and setting the proper diagnostic of the dental condition(s).
  • C2 – The conservative therapy of the odontho-periodontal structures
  • C3 – Diagnostic and interceptive therapy of the anomalies of the dento-maxillary apparatus
  • C4 – Prosthetic restoration of the dental arches
  • C5 – Identifying the diagnostic and evolving particularities and the examination of the patient with surgical conditions in the oral-maxillofacial scope
  • C6 – Management of the theoretic and legal basis of the operational healthcare systems in Romania, and also of the managerial ones considering the dentistry practice.
Traversal skills
  • The responsible performance of the professional tasks under restraint autonomy and qualified assistance
    CT1 – Identifying the objectives to achieve, the available resources, the terms for their completion, the working stage, the working times, the related deadlines and risks
  • Performing under coordination projects to solving some specific issues for the field, with the proper evaluation of the work volume, of the available resources, of the necessary timespan for completion and of the risks, under the terms of putting into practice the deontology and professional ethics norms specific for the field, as well as the work security and safety
  • Getting familiar with the roles and activities specific for the teamwork and assigning tasks for the subordinated levels

CT2 – Identifying the roles and responsibilities in a multidisciplinary team and putting into practice techniques of relations and efficient work within the team and in relation with the patient

  • Achieving a work/ project by performing with responsibility specific tasks for the part played in a multidisciplinary team

Raising awareness on the need for lifelong training; efficient use of the learning resources and techniques for personal and professional development
CT3 – Efficient use of the information sources and of the communication and assisted professional training resources (Internet portals, specialized software applications, databases, online courses etc.) both in Romanian and in an international language

  • Issuing, drafting and defending in Romanian and in an international language of a specialized paper on a topic of actuality in the field, by using various sources and tools for information