Arad, 86 L. Rebreanu St.






The Faculty of Legal Sciences of the University is the first private Law Faculty in Romania, established in 1990.


The Faculty manages the students’ academic career in accordance with a curriculum designed according to national and European standards, ensuring a professional, theoretical and practical training, which guarantees the socio-professional integration of the graduates in the field. This is guaranteed by the judicious combination of specialist subjects with complementary, optional and general knowledge subjects through which students acquire professional skills that will make them competitive on the labour market.


Starting with the academic year 2020-2021, the Faculty of Legal Sciences of the Western University “Vasile Goldiș” of Arad, offers a new undergraduate degree program “LOCAL POLICE“, form of education – attendance, it being configured in line with the provisions of the CNC, RNCIS and ARACIS standards. .


The study program is organized in the IF educational form with a duration of 3 years, 6 semesters, 180 ECTS credits. Graduate title: Bachelor of Administrative Sciences.


For the preparation of students in the specialization in LOCAL POLICE, the organizational, material, scientific and didactic prerequisites necessary for the development of the educational process in optimal conditions are provided. The existing didactic space ensures the development of didactic activities, human resources are prepared in accordance with the legislation in force, the curricula and the subject sheets are elaborated by respecting the criteria imposed by the norms in force, and the semester exams, admission and licensing are organized according to the Methodologies elaborated by the Ministry of National Education and the “Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad.


The specialization in LOCAL POLICE of the Faculty of Legal Sciences trains highly qualified specialists such as: public administration advisors, public administration expert, public administration specialist inspector, public administration specialist referent, public administration consultant, training, evaluation and professional selection specialist inspector, public administrator, public institution advisors, local police inspector, security, intervention and guard inspector, research assistant in administrative sciences, civil servant with special status, civil servant in local administration, local administration adviser, manager in local administration (with the respect and fulfilment of other conditions provided by law).

Curriculum 2020-2023

Through the LOCAL POLICE study programme the following competences are developed:


  • The development of skills enabling the student and future graduate to solve problems and cases, i.e. to apply the acquired theoretical legal knowledge to concrete situations, as well as the ability to correctly interpret normative texts, according to established methods and techniques of legal interpretation;
  • Develop the ability to recognise and order concepts, institutions and rules in relation to their importance and relevance within the various systems;
  • Interdisciplinary understanding of state administrative phenomena with emphasis on aspects of public safety and order;
  • Correct application and orientation towards the citizen of the laws and other normative acts within the competence of the local police;
  • Competence in carrying out specific actions for the prevention of crime, ensuring public order and peace, citizen safety;
  • Application of the theoretical administrative, economic and political knowledge acquired, in a spirit of plural and interdisciplinary scientific knowledge, in the public sector with a focus on the efficiency of the police act;
  • Effective cooperation with specialists from a wide range of professional fields in order to solve the complex problems of the public sector in the field of local policing;
  • Correct and pragmatic evaluation of the results of implementing one’s own decisions in the work that the local police worker carries out;
  • Communicating effectively with the police, social and political environment;
  • Knowledge and appreciation of the specific work outputs and results of the work specific to the local police sector;
  • Ensuring the constant achievement of the quality of the administration act and through the smooth running of the local police;
  • Accurate assessment of the quality of resources, operations and results of administrative work;
  • Ability to make critical reasoning to develop a set of arguments in support of an idea;
  • Ability to self-evaluate;
  • Ability to carry out independent research in a new area, where they have not previously studied or specialised, when required;
  • Language skills in the language specific to the legal profession, both in Romanian and in foreign languages of wide international circulation;
  • Documentation and drafting skills enabling the drafting of legal acts, scientific papers, reports, essays, memoranda, etc. in an appropriate form;
  • Argumentative and rhetorical skills, enabling them to put forward ideas and arguments in public;
  • Communication and interpersonal skills, including in a multicultural environment, ability to work both independently and as part of a team to solve specific problems;
  • Ability to plan tasks specific to solving complex legal problems;
  • Ability to work with specific computer systems (hardware and specialised software);
  • Ensuring the quality of the act of justice in relation to the relevant European standards.