Facultatea de Farmacie, din cadrul UVVG din Arad este prima facultate de Farmacie privata din Romania cu o curricula moderna si personalizata in acelasi timp, care include discipline de maxim interes si noutate

The Faculty of Pharmacy of the V.G.W.U. Arad undertakes the mission of a modern, formative education by the inter- and trans-disciplinarity of the basic fields of studies with the practical one, contributing to the accumulation of theoretical and practical knowledge, and to the development of horizontal and transversal competencies. The undertaken mission for training the pharmacists, nutritionists and dieticians relies on the quality standards imposed by the sector regulations, by RAQAHE standards and by the legal norms on the higher education, as well as on the European and national regulations on the profession of pharmacist, of nutritionist-dietician, respectively. The education process is according to the provisions of the Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of the professional qualifications regarding the Pharmacist profession, aiming for:

  • The increase in the pharmacists’ professional performance, according to the European norms;
  • The acquisition of the required theoretical knowledge to perform the profession;
  • Training highly qualified human resource in the area, according to the labor market requirements in Romania and in the European Area;
  • Constant update of the curriculum depending on the specific standards and according to the applicable law, sector regulated in the European area;
  • Learning professional ethics;
  • Developing the teamwork skills and communication abilities.

The formative educational process for the specialization of Nutrition and Dietetics is triggered by the need to train human resources in fields which already exist in the European Union. The diploma experts in the field of dietetics and nutrition may carry on their activity in the healthcare field, in the food industry (by providing services of analysis and control of the food quality), in other institutions.
The academic curriculum is adjusted to the ROQAHE, Ministry of Education norms and to specific European standards by optimal conjunction of the basic sciences with the complementary and specialized and research subjects, with future graduates’ theoretical and practical training so that they are able to adjust to the scientific advances in the population’s healthcare system, by prophylaxis of some conditions of the modern society which have rising levels of incidence, in tight relation with the food and life styles.

Cea mai tanara dintre cele sase facultati din cadrul Universitatii de Vest „Vasile Goldiş” din Arad, Facultatea de Farmacie s-a infiintat in anul 2005,  reuşind să fie prima Facultate privata de Farmacie pe plan naţional şi să-şi dezvolte o personalitate academică şi ştiinţifică aparte în sectorul învăţământului superior farmaceutic. Numărul de absolvenţi, realizările academice şi ştiinţifice, relaţiile dezvoltate pe plan local, naţional şi internaţional în acest deceniu au demonstrat valoarea şi viabilitatea conceptului pe care fondatorii l-au formulat la începuturi: continuitate, performanţă, competitivitate.

Facultatea de Farnacie, în calitate de instituţie de învăţământ superior particular acreditată, de utilitate publică, furnizează servicii de educaţie şi de cercetare în domeniul serviciilor farmaceuttice, utilizând valorile academice în scopul dezvoltării personale a studentilor nostri, al inserției profesionale a individului și a satisfacerii nevoii de competență a mediului socio-economic.

Facultatea de Farmacie, din cadrul UVVG din Arad este prima facultate de Farmacie privata din Romania cu o curricula moderna si personalizata in acelasi timp, care include discipline de maxim interes si noutate:  Biologia moleculara a medicamentului,  Fitoterapie si notiuni de Farmacovigilenta vegetala, Politici si strategii de promovare, Nutrigenomica, discipline realizate in premiera la facultatea noastra.

Facultatea , cu cele doua programe de studii Farmacie – 5 ani, 300 ECTS si respectiv, Nutritie si dietetica-3 ani, 180 ECTS structureaza  programe dinamice, care pregatesc  absolventul pentru piata de munca actuala, interdisciplinara,  cooperarind mereu cu partenerii antreprenoriali  impreuna cu care formulam anual  discipline optionale la  sugestia si cererea angajatorilor

The Faculty of Pharmacy has been established starting with the academic years of 2015-2016 and it has in its structure two study programs: Pharmacy, and Nutrition and Dietetics.
The study program Pharmacy has been established starting with the academic year of 2005-2006 at the Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry. Its establishment has been justified by the importance which this specialization has in the structure of the medical healthcare according to the EU norms and being supported by the existing assets, by various possibilities of theoretical and practical training. The establishment of this specialization in the Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry is owed to some teaching staff members whom we consider as founders of the Arad School of Pharmacy: prof. Aurel Ardelean, PhD, prof. Gligor Virginia, PhD, prof. Dehelean Gheorghe, PhD, prof. Lupea Alfa Xenia, PhD, prof. Ardelean Dorina, PhD, prof. Ardelean Gavrila, PhD.
The study program Nutrition and Dietetics has been established in 2010-2011.
The authorization of these specializations has been required as:

  • Harmoniously completes and diversifies the range of options for the graduates, in the Arad medical education and of the global reform of the Romanian education;
  • Ensures the graduates in the pharmaceutical field;
  • Ensures the norms of competency which the net of state and private pharmacies requires at national and international levels;
  • Opens new perspective in research in top areas;
  • Covers for the deficit of pharmacists at the level of the entire country, but in particular in Arad County in order to increase the quality of the pharmaceutical assistance delivered to the population.