Arad, 86 L. Rebreanu St.






The study program of Pharmacy is the form of full-time education, of 5 years of study meaning 10 semesters: theoretical education (9 semesters of 14 weeks) and the specialized practice (Year I –IV, 3 weeks x30 hours/ week; Year V, 1 semester of 26 weeks x 30 hours / week).
The academic year is structure on two semesters of 14 weeks and summer internship, 60 ECTS credit points/ year. 1 ECTS is equivalent to 25 hours of individual study. At the completion of the study program, there will be a total amount of 300 ECTS credit points (30 ECTS CP /semester x 2 = 60 ECTS/year), meaning 7500 hours of individual study. The number of teaching hours comprised in the education plan is of 4868 hours, of which: 1638 lecture hours, 2110 hours of laboratory activities, 1120 hours of specialized internship.

Acreditare AHPGS


The education plan has been approved by the Curricular Commission of the Faculty and by the VGWU Arad Senate. For the study program of Pharmacy, the total number of mandatory subjects comprised in the education plan is of 39, to which another optional 5 are added, 5 mandatory out of 22 optional subjects.

The weight of the study subjects: mandatory basic 1232 – 25.60%, mandatory specialized 3118 – 64.05%, mandatory supplementary – 518 – 10.64%. Out of the total of 4868 hours, 70 are at optional subjects (1.45%), and the rest to mandatory subjects. 72.97% of the verification forms are exams (54), and 27.03% are colloquies (20).

The great majority of the subjects are common for all faculties of pharmacy in the country and abroad, the curriculum complying with the European and national standards. According to the academic autonomy there have been introduced subjects where the students have the possibilities to acquire notions of: Phytotherapy and vegetal pharmaceutical vigilance, Elements of cyto-toxicology , Molecular biology of the drug, Plants with toxic potential, Homeopathy, First Aid Techniques, Technical-Medical Products, Food Supplements, Genetics, Ways to Approach the Patient, Normality and Psychopathology, Nutrition and Dietetics, etc.


Drug Analysis and Control (1 semester)
Anatomy and physiology (1 semester)
Pharmaceutical assistance (1 semester)
Pharmaceutical Biochemistry (2 semesters)
Biopharmacy (1 semester)
Molecular biology of drugs (1 semester)
Cell and Molecular Biology (1 semester)
Pharmaceutical Botany (2 semesters)
Environmental Chemistry (1 semester)
Analytical Chemistry and Instrumental Analysis (3 semesters)
Pharmaceutical Chemistry (2 semesters)
Physical and Colloidal Chemistry (2 semesters)
General and inorganic chemistry (2 semesters)
Organic Chemistry (2 semesters)
Therapeutic Chemistry (2 semesters)
Patient Communication (1 semester)
Dermatopharmacy (1 semester)
Medical Devices (1 semester)
Physical Education (4 semesters)
Pharmaceutical ethics (1 semester)
Clinical Pharmacy (1 semester)
Pharmacognosy (2 semesters)
General Pharmacology (1 semester)
Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy (2 semesters)
Pharmacovigilance (1 semester)
Phytotherapy (1 semester)
Pharmaceutical Physics / Biophysics (2 semesters)
Pathophysiology (1 semester)
Genetics (1 semester)
Homeopathy (1 semester)
Immunology. Haematology (1 semester)
Drug industry and pharmaceutical biotechnologies (1 semester)
Informatics (1 semester)

Introduction to research and documentation (1 semester)
History of Pharmacy (1 semester)
Pharmaceutical legislation and ethics (1 semester)
Latin language (1 semester)
Modern languages (English, French, German) / Romanian language for foreign students (4 semesters)
Modern languages (English, French, German) / Romanian language for undergraduate students (2 semesters)
Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management (1 semester)
First aid measures (1 semester)
Mathematics and biostatistics (1 semester)
Biological medicines (1 semester)
Veterinary medicines (1 semester)
Pharmaceutical merchandising and aesthetics (1 semester)
Scientific research methodology (1 semester)
Mycology (1 semester)
Microbiology. Virusology. Parasitology (1 semester)
Nutrition and dietetics (1 semester)
Medical Pathology (1 semester)
Medicinal plants with toxic potential (1 semester)
Health product promotion policies (1 semester)
Specialist practice
Specialised practice (4x5x6)
Pharmaceutical propaedeutics (1 semester)
Psychoeducation (1 semester)
Specialised internship in public or hospital pharmacies (26x5x6)
Food supplements (1 semester)
Food supplements (1 semester)
Pharmaceutical Technology (1 semester)
Pharmaceutical Technology (4 semesters)
Medical Terminology (1 semester)
Toxicology (2 semesters)
Toxicology and doping (1 semester)
Medical Emergencies (1 semester)


Each student has to perform 3 weeks of specialized internship between years I-IV (6 hours/ day, 30 hours/ week), in the pharmacies. In year V, second semester, the students must take 26 weeks of compact specialized internship (6 hours/ day, 30 hours/ week) in pharmacies from the academic center of Arad. The pharmacies must be accredited by the Pharmacists’ College. The students’ internship is achieved based on agreements concluded between the university, the students and the pharmacies.


Professional skills:

  • C1. Designing, issuing, preparing, and conditioning of the drugs, food supplements, cosmetics and other products for health
  • C2. Drugs, food supplements, cosmetics and other products for health storage, preservation, distribution
  • C3. Releasing the drugs, the food supplements, the cosmetics and other products for health and pharmaceutical assistance
  • C4. Analysis and control of the substances, drugs, food supplements, cosmetics and other products for health, analysis in laboratories of biochemistry, toxicology, environment and food hygiene
  • C5 Management, marketing and administration in the field of health
  • C6 Consultancy and expertise in the field of drugs, food supplements, cosmetics and of other products for health

Transversal skills:

  • CT1 Identifying the objectives to accomplish, the available resources, the terms for their conclusion, the work stages and times, the related deadlines for performing and the related risks
  • CT2 Identifying roles and responsibilities in a multidisciplinary team and implementing technique of relation and efficient work in the team
  • CT3 Efficient use of the IT sources and of the communication and assisted training (Internet portals, specialized software applications, databases, online courses etc.) both in Romanian and in an international language.

Plan învăţământ specializarea Farmacie 2017-2022

Plan învățământ specializarea Farmacie 2019-2020

Plan învățământ specializarea Farmacie 2020-2021