About VGWU

At the “Vasile Goldiş” Western University of Arad, students are not only beneficiaries of educational services, but active partners in the management of student academic quality.

In accordance with the “Student Statute” and the “Regulations for the election and revocation of students in the positions of representation” students are voting members in the Faculty Councils and in the University Senate, with a representation percentage of 25%.

About VGWU

At the “Vasile Goldiş” Western University of Arad, students are not only beneficiaries of educational services, but active partners in the management of student academic quality.

In accordance with the “Student Statute” and the “Regulations for the election and revocation of students in the positions of representation” students are voting members in the Faculty Councils and in the University Senate, with a representation percentage of 25%.

Legally established student bodies are:

– “VASILE GOLDIŞ” STUDENT ORGANIZATION (Civil Sentence no.29/30.01.1998);
– STUDENTS’ ADVISORY BOARD (with its own organizational and functional Regulation).

These bodies have joined the National Alliance of Student Organizations in Romania. Professional associations also operate in the university
students, with an important entrepreneurial contribution in the local community. Thus, the “Association of Medical Students” offers free medical services for the elderly and disadvantaged social groups.

Involved in the scientific research activity, the students carry out their activity in 53 student scientific circles. The scientific production in the student sections is validated within the “Arad Academic Days”, in the publications “Student Journal”, “Student Life”, as well as in the professional journals of the faculties.

In accordance with the Regulations annexed to the University Charter, students benefit from a social infrastructure, free time and for complete vocational training in the University’s own spaces. Students also benefit from a system of excellence scholarships, merit scholarships and social scholarships.

The social offer is completed by: The Student Home, the House of Universities and Students, Sports Complex, C.S.U. Stadium. “Vasile Goldiş”, Gloria Stadium, Atheneu Student Club, Medical Office, Internet Club, Gaudeamus Chalet from Izoi from Moneasa, Castle and Botanical Garden from Macea, Săvarşin Tourist Complex, Nădab Tourist Complex.

Along with the student artistic teams and the “Ikon” Photo Circle, there is a rich sports activity within the “University” Sports Club. It is worth mentioning the performances of some high-performance athletes who are “ambassadors” of Romania’s image in the world, being winners of European championships, members of the national and Olympic teams.
Students and graduates of the university, the Office of Vocational Guidance and Employment, offer opportunities in the part-time or part-time labor market.

Under the European Transferable Credit System, students benefit from mobility at home and abroad. Being a member of the Association of European Universities (E.U.A), as well as of the European Federation of Higher Education (F.E.D.E), the university students participated in European student competitions and projects.

The first year of operation, starting with the academic year 1990-1991, the number of students has constantly evolved.
Along with the numerical evolution of the students, it was noticed the increase of their contribution in the management of the institution, this materializing through the participation of students in the University Senate and the Faculty Councils, with a representation percentage of 25%, but also through the contribution made by the Student Advisory Council. body that was established in the academic year 1997 – 1998, as well as through the Student Organization “Vasile Goldiş” (civil sentence no. 29 / 30.01.1998).

The students were also trained in the academic quality structure through the Program – Pro Academic Quality – their entire activity is carried out based on the Statute and the Student Regulations.
The students are involved in the entrepreneurial relations of the institution participating in scientific research topics contracted with socio-economic environment and obtaining performances that consolidate the prestige of the Arad academic environment in the country and abroad.
The University, through its student editors, has constantly contributed in recent years to the development of the local media (daily, InfoTv, TV Arad in which the University is a shareholder and founding member).

The students of the “Vasile Goldiş” Western University enjoy a complete social offer:

  • Student dormitory and canteen – str. Henri Coandă no. 31 (Gf + 4 building, which offers 100 accommodation places in rooms with increased comfort, equipped with its own social group);
  • Atheneu student club – B-dul Revoluţiei no. 78;
  • Sports complex – Praporgescu no. 1 (headquarters of the A.C.U. Sports Association, volleyball courts, basketball, tennis, handball);
  • Cabana Gaudeamus Izoi – Moneasa (offers 40 accommodation places, food group, ski slope, tourist orientation, etc.) is intended for application activities, camps, camps of sports students;
  • Săvârşin tourist complex (offers 24 double accommodation rooms equipped with own social group, conference room)
  • Nădab tourist complex (Canalul mills) – practice base for students
  • Macea University Complex (offers 120 accommodation places) and Macea University Botanical Garden.

Students are offered the following social services free of charge:

  • Medical assistance (Medical Office – 86 Liviu Rebreanu Street and Aurel Vlaicu Polyclinic);
  • Career counseling and guidance center (Consulting Office – 86 Liviu Rebreanu Street, office B6);
  • The activity of the Student Advisory Council, of the Student Organization “Vasile Goldiş” takes place in its own headquarters in Liviu Rebreanu Street no. 86.

The University also has professional student associations: the Association of Medical Students, the ELSA Association of Students from the Faculty of Law.
The student scientific activity of the 53 student scientific circles is capitalized annually in the Arad Academic Days, in the sections dedicated exclusively to students, but also in the specialized magazines “PRO LEGE”, “ARADUL MEDICAL”, “PERSPECTIVE”, “ECONOMIA MILENIULUI III” , “STUDENT JOURNAL”.

Student Associations