International Center for Linguistic Testing
The International Center for Language Testing, Assessment and Academic Counseling (C. I. T.L.E.C.A.) was born out of an acute need for assessment and recognition of language skills, by awarding certificates with a wide national and, in particular, international coverage.
International Center for Language Testing
Centrul Internaţional de Testare Lingvistică, Evaluare şi Consiliere Academică (C. I. T.L.E.C.A.) a luat naştere în urma unei necesităţi acute de evaluare şi recunoaştere a abilităţilor lingvistice, prin acordarea de certificate cu o largă acoperire naţională şi, în special, internaţională.
(International English Language Testing System) – is a mandatory requirement for immigration to Canada, Australia, New Zealand.
(Test of English as a Foreign Language) – measures candidates’ ability to communicate in English in colleges and universities. It is recognized by over 6,000 institutions in more than 130 countries, enjoying the widest recognition among English language tests worldwide. It is available in both classic, paper (PBT) and online (iBT) format.
(Test of English for International Communication) – assesses the English language proficiency of any person, as used in daily activities, but is especially necessary for those working in an international environment or young people and students who want to find a job, all those interested in this type of certification.
It has three sections and is addressed to those interested in general or veterinary medicine at Oxford and Cambridge; lasts two hours, assesses skills, abilities, scientific and practical knowledge.
Necesar celor care doresc să aplice la o specializare din domeniul literaturii moderne sau clasice la Oxford; durează 90 minute, constă din elaborarea unui eseu comparativ a două sau trei tematici de proză sau poezie.
Requested by Oxford / Cambridge to those wishing to study philosophy, politics and economics; lasts two hours, structured in two sections: the first evaluates critical thinking, and the second requirement is the formulation of an essay on a given topic.
Requested for high school graduates wishing to study mathematics at Oxford and Cambridge.
Another type of test is represented by tests organized and conducted under the auspices of Collegeboard and Educational Testing Service USA, namely:
Administered four times / year in centers around the world, including the one in Arad.
Standardized test required for admission to US schools, masters, doctorates; focused on a test of abstract thinking in mathematics, vocabulary and analytical texts.
ECL Test
European Consortium for Languages, is administered 3 times a year, for English, German, French and Romanian.