The Faculty of Dentistry of the VGWU ARAD was established in 1991 and it fits harmoniously in the structure of the “Vasile Goldiş” Western University of Arad, as the university faculties have predominant humanist profile. The idea of establishing the Faculty of Dentistry was set both by the strong old cultural-scientific traditions of our town, and by the existence since 1956 of a strong Post-secondary school of Dental Technique which has provided to our country generations of valuable experts. A strong material asset has developed within this school, and valuable teaching staff was trained. Another factor leading to the establishment of this specialization is the particular dentistry patrimony of the municipality of Arad, consisting of two clinics of dentistry represented by the University Clinic no. 1 of the VGWU Campus with more the 25 dentistry units and the “Aurel Vlaicu” Dentistry Clinic no. 2, which, by now, is one of the most modern and well equipped of the county, with 13 specialized practices and 23 dentistry units.

Currently, after 28 years since its establishment, we pride ourselves with the proof of a remarkable continuity of the inherited tradition, which, by maintaining and developing quality education, has decisively caused the experts’ training in the field of dentistry. This custom has to be pursued and developed in the context of the challenges and of the dynamics of today’s society.

Our faculty must maintain itself as an important institutional basis of the “Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad, to promote a consistent position in the Romanian health system, to preserve the faculty organizational structure, the mutual appreciation between students and teachers, and to further favor the competition and the collegiality, the individuality ascertainment and the cooperation.

The members of the current managerial team aim for CONTINUITY, PERFORMANCE AND COMPETITIVENESS by defining us as an active promoter in achieving the academic criteria and objectives by developing the existing program in compliance with the Bologna spirit, so that we raise the standards for quality and improve the professional training mechanisms relying on the knowledge and reality of the needs for care in order to ensure the public and individual’s health while being consistent with the provisions of the Dentists’ Deontological Code.

Institutionally, the main development directions and purposes for achieving the fundamental priorities of the Faculty of Dentistry are established through the prism of the modernization of the educational process and of assuring the quality of the educationin compliance with the provisions of the Law on national education no. 1/2011 and with the good national and international practices. These aspects suppose a continuous accent on:

  • The assurance of the education quality according to the Law on national education no. 1/2011 and to the good national and international practices.
  • The management of the research. The increase of the performance in the activity of research, development-innovation, of development of the cooperation with the entrepreneurial environment. International cooperation relations.
  • A policy of human resources which to provide compared to the present, the consistency with the ROQAHE (ARACIST) standards.
  • A good partnership with the students and the improvement of the services delivered to those.
  • Promoting a performing management and ensuring the decisional transparency.
  • Future premises.

Quality assurance in developing the activity of the study programs and of the educational activities

The need for full-time dedication is achieved by the teaching staff of the Faculty of Dentistry who aim to take all the necessary actions in training and strengthening the highest possible level of students’ and future graduates’ performance by assisting them in acquiring the following skills:

Professional skills as unitary and dynamic ensemble of:

  • knowledge
  • skills
  • Transversal skills.

In the same time, as resulting from the Rector’s managerial program as well, we take all the necessary steps to impose:

  • our faculty further commitment for quality student-focused education, for learning results, as well as on the real needs of the beneficiaries of the teaching process;
  • providing the continuity in applying the criteria for excellence in teaching staff’ professional training;
  • Achieving the criteria, the standards, and the performance indicators stipulated in the ARACIS Methodology.
  • Providing for the practicability of the principles governing the tutoring/ mentoring and the volunteering.
  • Continuous adjustment to modern means of teaching and evaluation, modernization of the effective teaching-learning process and facilitation of the teaching staff’s access to gathering knowledge on international languages.
  • Continuity and re-shaping of the cycles plans;
  • Review and annual updating of the curricular whole;
  • Achieving the extended access to information and knowledge sources both for teachers and for students; in this regard, we have to provide teaching staff’s free access to online international scientific databases, to program concerning publications of reference in the worldwide juridical literature (Springer Link, CEEOL, etc.).
  • Providing documentation and study internships abroad for the teaching staff.
  • Organizing and accrediting some master programs in partnership with foreign universities (joint master). In this regard, the candidate to the dean’s position may negotiate directly with the important universities of Europe where the respective person was visiting professor or with which that person has cooperated.
  • As stipulated in Rector’s Managerial Plan, the update of the curricular ensemble and the constant renewal of the teaching offer by capitalizing the results of the most recent studies and researches, the assurance of the consistency with the academic curricula of the national and foreign higher education institutions of law.
  • Dynamic promotion of the didactic offer on faculty website, in top journals, on the public boards, in the newsletter, etc.
  • Promoting interdisciplinary courses.
  • Developing and improving the courses in joint trunk system.
  • Making available for the students the necessary tools required for study: courses, courses manuals, subject description and plan
  • A good cooperation with the Faculty Library, purchasing courses, treaties, renowned specialist journals from the country and abroad.
  • Generalization of the practice for teaching staff’s evaluation by the students, based on paper-based or online forms. Updating of the teaching staff’s self-evaluation grid.
  • Transparent assignment of the study scholarships and granting performance scholarships for the worthy students.
  • Implementing the measures on quality management via the Commission for Quality Assurance at the Faculty of Dentistry;