Legal Framework
Legal Framework
The “Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad is a higher education institution, a legal entity under private law and of community interest, part of the national education system, autonomous, both from an academic and economic-financial point of view, having as its foundation the private ownership, guaranteed by the Romanian Constitution, it was established in 1990, accredited by Law no. 240/2002 and periodically evaluated by ARACIS and AHPGS.
The “Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad was founded in 1990, with the aim of promoting the values of education, research and the relationship with society, under the sign of the academic community, capitalizing the institutional culture and perpetuating national and universal values. The “Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad provides education and research services in the field of scientific knowledge and her ideal is to use of academic values for the purpose of personal development, the individual’s professional insertion and to satisfy the need for competence of the socio- economic environment.
The initiative to establish the “Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad belonged to the late prof. Dr. AUREL ARDELEAN, PhD, founding rector of the “Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad and founding president of the “Vasile Goldiș” Arad University Foundation.
Why Vasile Goldis?
The university bears the name of the spiritual patron Vasile Goldiș, being one of the coryphaei and ideologue of the Great Union from December 1, 1918, who stated that “only cultural-educational institutions, in which the basic role is education, are meant to contribute to the affirmation of a people in a national democracy“.
Thus, the founding rector prof. AUREL ARDELEAN, PhD, was the one who “fulfilled the dream of the Arad people to have higher education” in the city, as Vasile Goldiș expressed his wish at the beginning of the last century, right in the Budapest Parliament.
The academic community of the “Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad undertakes to carry on the legacy left by the late founding rector, Prof. AUREL ARDELEAN, PhD, to the city and county of Arad, relying on excellence, flexibility and the quality of the educational act, as testified by the generations of graduates well inserted in the labor market.
- Procedură privind recunoașterea în cadrul Universitatea de Vest Vasile Goldiș din Arad a diplomei de doctor și a titlului de doctor în științe sau într-un domeniu profesional, obținute în străinătate
- Internal Regulation of the “Vasile Goldiș” Western university of Arad
- Cod de etica in cercetarea stiintifica
- Codul universitar al drepturilor și obligaţiilor studentului
- REGULATION for the organization and conduct of postgraduate study programmes training and continuing professional development
- Regulamentul de organizare şi funcţionare al căminului studenţesc
- Quality Assurance code for education
- REGULATION on initiation, approval, monitoring and periodic evaluation of study programmes
- Regulament întocmire state funcții
- Regulamentul de organizare și funcționare a arhivei
- Regulament privind regimul actelor de studii
- Regulament privind activitatea în cadrul secretariatelor
- For the approval of the completion of the Methodology for the maintenance of tenure in education and/or research of teachers and researchers
- Regulament de acordare a premiilor diplomelor medalilor și distincțiilor Universitatii de Vest “Vasile Goldis” din Arad”
- Regulament privind mobilitatile in cadrul programului comunitar Erasmus
- Regulament de organizare și funcționare a tipografiei Universității de vest Vasile Goldiș
- Regulament cadru privind stabilirea principiilor de ocupare a unui post vacant sau temporar corespunzător funcțiilor contractuale și a criteriilor de promovare în grade sau trepte profesionale imediat superioare pentru personalul didactic auxiliar și nedidactic
- Regulament de organizare și funcționare a Biroului de scientometrie
- Regulament – cadru de organizare și funcționare a departamentelor din facultăți
FACULTIES - Regulament privind evaluarea performanțelor profesionale individuale pentru personalul didactic auxiliar și nedidactic.
- Regulation DPPD
- Student evaluation statistics semester I 2022
- Student evaluation statistics semester II 2022 final
- Certificat IQNET
- Certificat SRAC
- OP-64 Disabilities
- Operational Procedures
- Quality Manual 2020 + procedures list
- Annex 2 – Strategic Plan
- Annex 3 – Management Plan
- Annex 4 – Operational Plan 2021-2022
- Annex 5 – Code of ethics
- Annex 6 – Commision of ethics scientific research
- Annex 7 -Methodology admission 2022-2023
- Annex 8 – Regulation on students professional activity 2021
- Annex 9 – ECTS Regulation
- Annex 10 – Methodology for organization and development of studies completion 2022 February
- Annex 25 – ERASMUS Regulation
- Annex 28 – Quality Policy
- Annex 29 – Qulity Assurance Code
- Annex 46 – Methodology of Elections VGWU
- Annex 49 – Methodology competition teaching staff
- Annex 51 – Anti-plagiarism regulation
- Annex 56 – Regulation IODAS
- Annex 61 – Recognition of studies abroad
- Annex 62 – Methodology admission for bachelor, master, doctoral studies at vgwu in 2022-2023
- Annex 63 – Admission Methodology for Non EU applicants 2022
- Annex 65 – Regulation on Examination
- Annex 66 – Regulation on Initiating
- Annex 76 – Strategy research 2020-2024
- Annex 77 – Operational plan research 2020-2021