Arad, 86 L. Rebreanu St.
The first generation of students in Medicine had started during the academic year of 1992-1993, and the first graduates cohorts passed the Bachelor exam in 100% of the persons taking it (99% of the total of graduates of the first three years, respectively 1998, 1999, 2000 have acquired the title of Doctor Physician), the Bachelor exam taking place at the Faculty of Medicine of the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Bucharest.
Ever since the first graduates ‘cohort, the reliability of the education delivered in the young faculty proved its value and efficiency.
The mission and objectives of the Faculty of Medicine integrate the new concept of the “medicine without borders” in the context of the general strategy of integration of Romania in the European structure, the issued diplomas being acknowledged internationally,by international accreditation by the external evaluation agency AHPGS, recognized by the Government of Romania.
Misiunea declarată a facultății noastre este de a:
- forma cadre biomedicale cu competențe profesionale și transversale înalte, integrate cu succes pe piaţa naţională şi internaţională a muncii, precum și perfecționarea continuă a acestora pe tot parcursul vietii;
- genera şi transmite cunoştinţe ştiinţifice, prin formarea de absolvenți cu o dimensiune internațională puternică în direcții de cercetare sau academice, contribuind astfel la îmbogăţirea patrimoniului cunoaşterii universale;
- oferii comunităţii diferite servicii sociale şi culturale;
- presta servicii antreprenoriale solicitate de beneficiari în condiţii de calitate competitive.
The study program Curriculum for 2019 – 2020
- The adequate knowledge on the sciences which the medicine relies on and good comprehension of the scientific methods, including of the principles for measuring the biological functions, the evaluation of the scientifically established data and their analysis;
- the proper knowledge on the structure, functions and behavior of the healthy persons, respectively of the sick ones, as well as the relations between the state of health and the social and physical environment of the human being;
- appropriate knowledge on the clinic subjects and practices providing a coherent image on the mental and physical conditions, of the medicine considering the prophylaxis, the diagnostic, the therapy and the human reproduction;
- Useful clinic experience in hospitals, under appropriate monitoring.
Professional skills:
- C1. Identifying the state of sickness and establishing of the proper diagnostic of the condition(s)
- C2. Conception and implementation of a proper therapeutic plan for the identified condition(s)
- C3. Proper evaluation of the risk of sickness or of the framework for the occurrence of an individual/ collective sickness, followed by the choice and the putting into practice of the proper prophylactic measures
- C4. Approaching the issues of sickness/ health from the perspective of the community specificities, in direct relation with the social, economic and/ or cultural conditions, specific for that community
- C5. Initiating and running an activity of scientific and/ or training research in its field of expertise
- C6. Achieving with efficiency and efficacy the managerial tasks required by certain professional roles
Transversal skills:
- CT1. Identifying the objectives to achieve, the available resources, the terms for their completion, the stages of works, the timers, the deadlines for achieving them and the attached risks
- CT2. Identifying the roles and responsibilities in a multidisciplinary team and the application of techniques of relation and efficient work within the team and in relation with the patient
- CT3. The efficient use of the information sources and of the communication and assisted professional training resources (Internet portals, specialized application software, databases, online courses, etc.) both in Romanian and in an international language