Proiecte derulate
CNCS PD, Hartlib Circle and the Advancement of Learning: Disseminating Knowledge in the Mid-Seventeenth-Century England, principal investigator Oana Matei, mentor Dana Jalobeanu. 2011-2013
CNCSIS IDEI Casa lui Solomon, filosoful rege şi pedagogia virtuţii. Utopiile modernităţii ca proiect educaţional 2009-2011
Hartlib Circle and the Advancement of Learning
Hartlib Circle and the rise of the „new science”
The Anatomy of Vegetation: Transmutation, Vivification, Artificial Life, Palingenesis in Early Modern Natural Philosophy
Director de proiect:
conf. univ. dr.
Dana Jalobeanu
Membri in proiect din partea UVVG:
conf. dr.
Cristian Benţe
lect. dr.
Oana Matei